"When are you going to have a sale?"
In short? We're not! We don't offer Black Friday sales or any other general discounts on our merchandise. This is a part of our ongoing business model, so we want to be completely transparent with you about why:
Did you know that most retailers artificially inflate their prices in order to have sales throughout the year? Instead of charging £100 for an item, they'll mark it up to £110 so they can later discount it to £90. That means that some customers are paying more than the item is worth to make up for the discounted prices! We don't believe in operating with that kind of system. (After all, we know how it feels to pay full price and then later find the same item on sale for less - how frustrating!)
We don't believe in artificial mark-ups or in asking staff to work overtime that's poorly compensated or to take other shortcuts in order to cover the cost of sales. Instead, we use pricing that honestly reflects the value of each design, and then we keep it at that same price, year-round.
Yes, you can probably find cheaper underwear at your local shopping center. (Though it likely won't be in silk and French lace like our designs!) That's because Angela Friedman is a small business, devoted to small-batch production of luxury items. We have an ethical manufacturing guarantee, and creating clothing by hand in the UK is significantly more costly than mass-production overseas. It's also a much more environmentally-friendly and sustainable business model.
We're so proud that all of our lingerie and lounge wear designs are ethically-manufactured in the UK.
That said, our prices aren't arbitrary at all: They're based on number-crunching many factors, such as the time it takes to sew a garment, the cost of materials that go into it, and fair and ethical wages for staff, contractors, and vendors. There are also a number of indirect costs that go into each item: overhead for the office, web development, hiring models and photographers, developing designs for new collections, advertising, taxes, credit card processing fees, packaging... When you shop with us, you're not just supporting our small business but also many other local companies like the photographers and fabric mills that supply us!
We're confident that once you try our gorgeous lingerie, you'll be agree that it's well worth the cost. Of course we understand that not everyone can afford luxury and ethically-manufactured clothing, so we appreciate your support very much. We would much rather see you purchase just one special, high-quality item from us than to buy countless trendy and poorly made items that will soon be discarded. And if you have any questions about our pricing structure, gifts, or anything else, please feel free to use our Contact page to inquire.