Top reasons to wear a silk slip
Why should you bother wearing a slip? If you think slips are old-fashioned undergarments, reserved for grandmothers, it's time to think again! As it turns out, Nana was right: slips are extremely practical undergarments, helping to keep your favorite dresses clean and looking their best. We've compiled a list of 7 reasons why you should reconsider wearing slips, and some of them might even surprise you! For example, did you know that an extra layered undergarment can help keep that sweater dress from clinging as you walk? Read on for more!
Left: Sweater dresses are notorious for clinging and riding up. Right: with a silk slip!
1. Keep your legs from sticking to your skirt fabric
This is a big favorite of ours, because we know that flowy, full skirts and textured sweater dresses are always on-trend in the cool, autumn months. Do you know that feeling when your legs start to gobble up the skirt fabric as you walk, leading to chafing, riding up, and that awkward static-cling look? Even if you aren't wearing a particularly full skirt, garments like snug wool dresses (above) can cause the fabric to grab onto your tights and bunch up madly!
If you hate tugging at and adjusting your clothes all day long, we've found that a silk slip is the perfect solution: It provides a snug, smooth layer between your skirt and your legs (or tights), which keeps your top layer dress in place with free movement. No matter how much running around you do, the slip will keep everything right where it ought to be!
The Odile slip with embroidered silk cups
2. Keep your fancy dresses clean for a 2nd wearing
Unpopular opinion: your clothes may not need full laundering after every wear. Surely your intimates require washing after a single use, but that doesn't mean that every item in your wardrobe does! Particularly for fancy dresses that may be dry-clean only, wearing a slip underneath may get you an extra wearing.
Now this will depend on your personal use and how long you wear your clothes - and in what weather and circumstances... But if you're wearing a pretty dress out for an afternoon tea date (and you avoid jam spills!), you can probably get away with a 2nd wearing. With a slip layered underneath, your sweat and natural body oils will absorb into the slip and not the dress, meaning that you can quickly hand wash only your interior layer. (See our guide to hand washing your intimates here.) This isn't a new or revolutionary idea, either! For many hundreds of years, until quite recently, people generally only washed their innermost layer of clothing regularly, and exterior clothes were only spot-cleaned and occasionally laundered as needed. Our modern hygiene expectations may be a bit more advanced than the Victorian era, but truly, many of your dresses can bear a second look!
The light pink Nicole slip
3. Add a layer under a semi-sheer outfit
This is the classic "just like mother said" reason for a slip, but that doesn't mean you should discount it. Even if your dress is only somewhat translucent, you may find that in direct sunlight, it shows more of your underwear than you'd like - and a poorly lit room indoors doesn't always tell the whole story. For best results, we recommend choosing something as close as possible to your own skintone. Pro tip: Don't wear a white slip under a white dress! White on white will only further enhance any seams, whereas a brown or beige silk slip will blend in perfectly.
4. Feel like a glamorous, Old Hollywood starlet
Have you never felt like a glamorous Old Hollywood starlet before? Then you clearly haven't worn a silk slip under your regular, boring work clothes yet! You'll be amazed by how transformative a single item of clothing can be - even when it's for your eyes only. But especially with the softness and gentle swishing of silk against the skin, you'll instantly feel a little more elegant and refined. (See our top picks for Old Hollywood style here.) So go ahead, live a little: Turn a sleepy Monday at the office into a silver screen fantasy - and wear a lace slip!
5. For a peek of lace - and prevent wardrobe malfunctions
Who says your slip is never to be seen, ever, by anyone? When you choose a slip with a little hint of lace at the neckline or hem, you can create a subtle innerwear-as-outerwear look. (More on innerwear-as-outerwear looks here.) Pair it with a low neckline blouse or cardigan, or with a dress that's just a pinch too short, and you'll be perfectly styled for a special occasion. Not only that, but if your skirt accidentally flips up or swishes a little higher than you'd like over a subway grate (hey, it happens!), your slip will be there to rescue you.
The Victoria slip in pink and blue silk
6. Smooth your silhouette and hide VPL
Contrary to popular belief, it really doesn't take an expanse of flesh-squishing shapewear to smooth your silhouette. A bias-cut silk slip will often do the trick, and with a lot more comfort. Why? Bias-cut garments are cut on the diagonal of the fabric, meaning that they offer some unique fitting advantages: Since silk satin stretches on both diagonals, these slips smooth and mold to your exact curves. And because silk is a 100% natural fibre, it will comfortably shape to follow your silhouette without overly restricting you, smoothing over any bumps along the way.
This is especially helpful when you're wearing other layers like bras or pantyhose, since slips smooth over any bumps from hardware, closures, or digging waistbands. Without a slip, your outer layer of a blouse or dress may hug to these other bulky items below, but wearing a slip gives you more coverage for a smooth, even invisible undergarment silhouette.
The magenta Renata slip
7. Life is too short to wear ugly pajamas!
Why settle for plain cotton PJs when you can lounge around at home in silk!? At Angela Friedman, we feel pretty strongly that you shouldn't save your best dressing-up to please others... So why invest only in the clothes that other people will see, often relegating old and shabby clothes for home and bedtime? We should treat ourselves better than that, including a little indulgence in beautiful sleepwear. (More on loungewear for working from home here.)
Nothing is more glamorous than snuggling up in your favourite silk slip, with a good book or a furry best friend! You really should be wearing the finest fabrics and laces against your skin to sleep in. Pro tip: if you're buying a slip purely for nightwear, you may consider going up a size from your usual purchase. Since you may toss and turn in your sleep, you won't want the clothing to feel restrictive at all, so a size larger will give you more freedom of movement.
We hope this will provide ample inspiration to get your imagination running with slip ideas! When you're ready to expand your lounge wear wardrobe with a little bit of everyday luxury, view our selection of slips here.