Ballet Beauty: a lingerie review
Live FAST Magazine just published a glowing review of our newest lingerie collection, The Firebird : Angela Friedman lingerie | Ballet Beauty. We hope you'll take the time to read the full review, because author Tiah Eckhardt really knows what she's talking about when it comes to lingerie. (She has been a highly-sought after lingerie model for over a decade and has worked closely with a number of luxury brands.)
This fashion, art, and travel magazine starts by exploring an often poorly-done trend in the lingerie world: ballet inspiration. At Angela Friedman, we pride ourselves on doing this effect properly, even going so far as to hire professional ballerinas as models, instead of asking models to pose as dancers. As Tiah puts it, "prior to founding her eponymous label, Friedman honed her craft as a costumier for professional ballet companies." Not only that, but she gives us an incredible compliment by stating that this collection "is one of the best examples of ballet-inspired lingerie we’ve ever seen, playing off of this trend and taking cues from the designer’s ample experience in the industry."
Tiah's glowing review of our newest collection goes on to detail the various fabrics and materials that we've used (100% silk and imported French lace!), as well as to compliment our designer on her vintage inspired designs that still feel refreshingly new and contemporary.
Not content to simply reference, this campaign was an epic undertaking on Friedman’s part, with elaborate looks, a actual theatre stage as the set, and a professional ballerina in lieu of traditional model. We should add that the latter is a stunning representation of how athleticism, substance, and authentic artistic talent can truly bring garments to life.
The overall effect of the collection is looks that are original, graceful, and elegant, a fresh injection of inspiration in an industry that often feels like it lacks those traits in any authentic way. For centuries, ballet has captivated audiences with its intoxicating blend of decadence and elegance, powerful strength and grace, and Friedman’s “The Firebird” collection beautifully translates those traits to lingerie. We’re predicting ‘ballet’ as the next huge lingerie inspiration – get ready to get your swan on.
We couldn't agree more! A big thank you to the writers and staff at LIVE Fast, especially Tiah Eckhardt, for this beautiful review. You can see the rest online here.